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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 18, 2023 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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accordingly, they help ukraine who have developed information while being in the rainbow space of poland or romania there . here, uh, well, on the other hand, although less in volume. uh, they uh fly along our borders, let's say seas and oceans. at the same time, it should be noted that, compared with the treaty , the war period there is with the twentieth, for example, the twenty-first year. e tension level. that's it. here, uh, in the area of ​​​​our maritime borders in the north or in the far east, it is not so high now, since all sorts of both sides are gaining here, but an action that could be considered a provocation, so now the main trouble for us is that they were ukrainian knees in europe flying there. and the fact that they fly in the far east or in the north. this is our e is not so annoying. well, they try too.
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especially do not be impudent in this case. heaven, it turns out, is very promised. whoever lives there is the funniest of all, that the cascade of celestial phenomena that broke into the information field could not do without unidentified flying objects, it was enough for the representatives of the pentagon to say that they have no reason to consider objects as alien public. understood for a reason. chibok bursts of unidentified flying objects that were shot down in the sky over the us pilot of the aircraft. it seems to me that the target is not of value for observation, but this is not exactly mike lukovich about identification methods. ufo f-22 fighter pilot. he says he 's armed. i repeat the object is armed with a bob throat continues the theme of balloons replica from the white house, if you ask me about these spy
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balloons, in my humble opinion, the situation is slightly out of hand. dive uydmant downed objects at the bottom a signature with apologies to the doggie snoopy from the tv series pot- bellied trifle. he considered himself an ace of the first world war as well as peter pena mary poppins and the subject of spielberg's film alien tom stitch mocking white house press secretary karen jean-pierre. she is known for her cryptic and sometimes inexplicable statements. this time, she says, we have no evidence of aliens or any other alien activity. with the aliens this time it seems did not work out, but if put aside the tabloid, sensationalism, once popular, the topic of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence, it is alive, or rather, science has such a goal
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of research. the search for life, the search for determining the conditions for the emergence of life and intelligent life , is certainly one of the priority goals. uh, modern astronomy and even here, where the nobel time was given in physics for the discovery of exoplanets. one of the important factors for the presence of life in the universe is the presence of a planet of other stars. we have not yet 20 years did not know if planets around other stars. he knows how about our nine there or now in general terms and uh, somewhere in the late nineties of the last century there was a breakthrough. and now we see about several thousand, as we say exoplanets for other stars, and we understand that this is a common thing and here is one of none of the unknowns in this equation of the probability of life the presence of a planet. the star has become almost equal to one. another thing is that life is far from
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possible on most of these planets, because they are either too cold or too hot. well this is already the next step, therefore, such work is certainly going on and it is being determined, they are looking for their own conditions for the emergence of life, that is , planets, and even now they are even trying to determine the composition of the atmospheres of the plan and, of course, signals are being sought, possible artificial signals from space. now. mostly true, that is, it works with a tasty signal, mostly amateurs of the review are not using radio telescopes. large large telescopes. we have the united states in china, and because they are watching, this is what they don’t see under other tasks, trying some kind of signals. bye that nothing worked. a program to search for extraterrestrial civilizations, they are usually privately funded. here's the latest story - this is our yuri miller miller a sponsored this story is or was, at least such a story, which
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is called, well, the well-known program c and ti network. yes, according to the search, just in terrestrial extraterrestrial life in different signals, there was such a program under the program called the home network, a dog from the cold. and where everyone could download a piece, there are radio telescope signals, and there they look for something. that's it there are no leaders, how many, as it were, really no, well, in general, such a background task, so a serious astronomer spends time on this. and here, and fans have fun. it all started as a joke in the summer of 2019, student mathey roberts from california, for fun, created a facebook event, offering to storm area 51 in order to free aliens who were allegedly being experimented on there. the idea was to rush in en masse, it was emphasized
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that you need to run with your hands behind you, like the heroes of the japanese anime naruto in order to move faster than a vase guard field in a few days, the storming of area 51 has become the most talked about event on american social media ranks of would-be stormtroopers. more than 3 million people entered, including stars keanu reeves and lanskoe arnold schwarzenegger chuck norris and many others, and fbi agents raided the house of the joker, representatives of the air force said that any attempt to penetrate the secret object would be stopped, but the reaction of the authorities only warmed up. true, the assault did not take place at the military base at night , only 70 people gathered. they listened to music the heroes on the internet were photographed was a schoolboy who ran behind the reporter during the live broadcast, all these called him naruto runner. he stated that he had been preparing for the assault for a month practicing
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naruto's run. but most importantly, he took out a stone with alien dna. area 51 - this is a secret us air base in the nevada desert today any internet user can find its satellite imagery but it was not always so for the beginning of the 2000s, the american authorities managed to remove its image due to almost all databases in the fifty-fifth year, it was used for testing a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft u2 and for many other devices , numerous ufos that people have often seen with these secret tests , the military were not required to report. what exactly sorrows observers later a theory appeared that the ships and the remains of aliens were stored at the base for the first time in the eighty- ninth year, a physicist told. bob laser. he stated on the radio that he worked at the base and saw how the authorities follow the remains of aliens and master alien technology. this has given rise to many hypotheses
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including the fact that the base itself allegedly goes 40 floors deep and communicates with other objects by a wide network of underground railways. scientists at least suggest when there is a chance for contact. it must be understood that astronomy, and this is a problem of astronomical existence. it operates on billions of light years and millions and billions of ordinary years, and on such, but such, jelly of time. yes, if there should not be extraterrestrial civilizations in the mezhpon, if we believe that, well, humanity is not unique, that the earth is not a unique place. well, for example, such the program on the network is still known to jones, all the tenth eighties of the xx century worked for parents.
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how many all over the earth, all over the earth, they searched, well, first of all, for the sake of signals from space, they didn’t find anything and with this body a couple of nobel prizes due to an accidental discovery, but they didn’t find civilization, and therefore such a current even arose on the occasion uh search for reasons, uh, this is uh search for reasons why we do not see civilization do not see civilization? there are billions hundreds of billions of trillions of other stars in the sky, we are 100 billion stars in our galaxy. other giantrog galaxies, of course, other erasers exist on a scale of billions of years, there must be, uh, there must be something else like that to appear. here, uh, but so far they haven’t found not a search for extraterrestrial life, but a search for planets where you can live in other places where there may be life. and here, and literally in the nineteenth year in the nineteenth year, the nobel prize, in physics, was given for just the discovery, well, the planet is different from other stars. and so i first talked to them, just all i was in
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stockholm in the nineteenth year. i'm with him talked. now they are just aiming to try on those planets that are not very far from us, there are 10 color years 50 light years. how to try to find life. and there are some suspicions that life is unreasonable, not just life, i say, maybe in the near future there, well, 10 years, probably one, that is, there will appear tools with which we can find it. and here it is, that your planet. yes, they brought the handles. so now the alternate airfield. needed so what do we have? in the solar system, if if what there is nowhere to run. mars is so-so an option. plus, it’s interesting, of course, yes, that is, since we now have more than 5,000 , in my opinion, planets near other stars, and of which there are a hundred or even two similar to the earth, well, stone, uh, like rocket planets
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, and of which there are already dozens that are located. how is the term here called havetable zone possibly habitable, that is , the zone where a on the planet should be in more or less, uh, regularly liquid water, that is, temperatures from 0 to 100. there are quite a few of these right now. and now we are all together they began to return to the moon. there , the americans made their first launch of their aon. and we are in russia in july yes, god bless this year, for the first time, in my opinion, in more than 40 years we will send a device to the moon, that is, there the chinese indians all think of the moon. we're waiting for the return of man upon man. that's it, there is such a story, there are many. here and in such a neighbor in space, a lot of things happen. now a person has been everywhere, well , the apparatus has been through all the complexity of the system. well, plutonium at close range, yes
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, pluton, and the object and comets. that is now all this happens and a lot of things and money. they even give it to russia even appears. to mass passions for ufos, scientists treat with irony, well, after all, people are watching something observation - this is an observation in the atmosphere. well , in the open air and here they are quite often seen. in fact, they take it for a ufo , uh, a natural phenomenon and the specialist can easily guess what he meant. here under uh we describe to such amateurs observation. so, what atmospheric phenomenon is very interesting atmospheric phenomenon associated with the refraction of light e with such a non-prime distribution of non- typical colors did not work, especially in the morning evening hours. uh, it means the presence of some meteors there, in the end , such meteors as here in chelyabinsk fell, and
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we all know about him, but he just hit badly. in fact, such meteors are already falling, like painful meteorites. e, about 10 times a year, because they fall in uninhabited places, mostly, and there simply no one has time to notice. and how it is quite, probably, it was possible to accept some an object of such uh and unnatural origin. this is one of the main such scientific moments that can be seen in these conversations. in july 1947 , an aircraft crashed in the small farming town of roswell, new mexico . local farmer makb brazil claimed the day of the incident. he saw a bright flash in the sky and heard a roar nearby. he discovered metal remains of unknown metal origin. it resembled foil, was
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light and flexible, but quickly took its former shape and did not burn. it was impossible to cut the farmer turned to the sheriff, and he turned to the military, who took the wreckage to the base. after that , the press service of the us air force reported that a flying disk was found in the vicinity of the city. and when the press began to talk about ufos, the authorities changed their position and said that the crashed object was just a meteorosis , they forgot for a while, but in the late seventies, major jesse marcel, who investigated this case, was given a sensation. interview stating the probe story is made up to cover up and the non-terrestrial objects found on the ranch after interview new eyewitnesses appeared in the case claiming that the crashed flying ship was in the form of a disk, and local aliens of small stature the undertaker said that he received an order for the manufacture of small sealed coffins, the incident was overgrown with new
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details. a surge of interest occurred in 1995, when the english producer flight san tille released a video in which the military allegedly open the body of an alien. and although the pathologists who studied the film said that this was a hoax, the sensation was monetized. and ideas on the planetary in 1994, the u.s. military released a report that the wreckage found in ellie was the remains of an unmanned balloon and a secret magoo program to monitor soviet nuclear tests, aerial reconnaissance balloons were made of rubber and launched from an airfield in new mexico, the project itself turned out to be a dead end. but the fact that fragments of secret equipment ended up in the hands of civilians explains the nervous and ridiculous reaction of the military, although the version of the authorities. all
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equally convinced a few people liked the idea of ​​contact with aliens more. and when they talk about contacts with aliens? is this also an atmospheric phenomenon? these contactees actually, if we talk, they show one of the paradoxes. we imagine an alien mind as such a person after all. yes. uh, maybe, uh, maybe skin. green maybe the number of fingers, four five hands should be two, but there should be two little man should be. that's such a man-shaped, actually. we do not have absolutely no data suggests that life is in other places, and for other plans in other stars. she went with some kind of earth-like earth way, and maybe that's why our brethren are different. they exist in a completely bodily form, as we
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imagine, and in fact , most of the stories about green men show that people actually see their own kind. this means that sociologists simply come up with a study of someone who is associated with the economy here to associate with politics. here even tries to link them you won't believe solar activity. well, it’s necessary, by the way, as far as i remember, that in the soviet union there was such ufology, well, how it is within the right framework, uh, thanks to the magazine of youth technology and its there, these shackles are the only case. this, probably, from the end of the 60s then, and now it went smoothly, there was a surge, by the nineties it was completely quite, well, there in the nineties there were years after everything. yes , now i’ve learned, apparently, rather with the spread of the internet. there are other things for people to do. well, earlier romanticism was a craving for the starry sky above us, and now
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a solid internet feint, there are specialists of a special profile it-shniks until recently, lucky privileged castes of the era of globalization, but now the hand of change has reached them dmitry vershinin from california a fence, a security camera checkpoint, and an uncharacteristically large amount of free parking space, electric car owners remember the times when to the charger. had to queue up, similar story at google's office nearby view colorful balloons are the symbol of a search engine an atypical empty park with a perfect landscape design never before one of the most prestigious jobs in silicon valley , workers in the industry are alarmed by a business that has been the disruptor of traditional business processes for the past decade. now he
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was on the verge of self-destruction. university of california digital science professor nolan higdan reckons that over the past few months, the tag business of san francisco has sent about 50,000 people on the street, coder testers engineers and other highly paid specialists, former head of departments. on twitter they are wrong. one of those who lost their job in 5 minutes my team was fired, by email our work computers were blocked. and we realized that we no longer have a job, the dismissal of twitter in the overall picture looks apart, as it is connected with the arrival of elon musk at the company contracted four famous lawyer salary. lisa bloom is representing more than 100 employees affected by the masks in court today.
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from the latter, they offer employees one salary severance pay in exchange for a signed document in which they waive all claims, and also pledge not to say anything bad about twitter and illan mask about any of the management or the board of directors. in general, about no one for the rest of his life, given that this condition is put forward by mr. freedom of speech is definitely up the cynicism of the wave of layoffs covered ten other companies microsoft apple medical giants banks first froze new positions, and then joined the general trend to reduce staff costs the monster golden gate, located above the strait of the same name , is famous for the strongest ebb and flow in the world, the city that built the golden gate may be entering a phase of the strongest capital outflow. conservative estimates say that san francisco's business is only 4% of the region's total economy, but the city is built around it's
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business-time newspaper columnist's stand. anderson believes the real test for the region's economy will begin. if the one who lost his job will massively put up for sale their houses. i don't think these layoffs threaten the economy at the moment, san francisco empty offices, falling commercial real estate prices are a much bigger problem, the second half of this year will depend on what happens by april in the real estate market, the townspeople are preparing to tighten belt the mayor has already announced the impending budget deficit, which will not be dated from the federal budget, since the house of representatives is controlled by the republicans. usually in such cases , cleanliness and public transport routes and garbage collection are reduced. one of the first signs of a global recession, another increase in crime. has already covered the city of strong fogs dmitry topping international review san francisco los angeles, california joseph biden is said to be about
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to announce his intention to run for a second presidential term in 24 his sworn alter ego donald trump has already done this polls show that most citizens do not overly inspired by the prospect of another clash of elders in both parties, more than half of the voters would like to see other candidates, however, despite this, trump is confidently ahead of any other. member of the same party. including the lucky historian. ron de santis with biden, the situation is delicate if the incumbent decides to run for a second term for the party. it's hard to tell him no, even when there are doubts about his chances. during his presidency, joe biden has repeatedly found himself at the center of a scandal, the latest case of secret documents that began to be found outside the white house in
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various places where biden had been, he worked with them when he was vice president and was supposed to be archived after the end of his term in 2017. it turned out that the first documents were found even before the november midterm elections by congress, but it became known about them much later than trump. for the secret papers found in his residence, they threatened with a court, but with regard to biden, this is still out of the question. no, they don't forget about hunter biden's laptop, which he forgot at the repair shop. state. dolover we are talking about the first about minor sins, like drugs or various savory videos, as well. secondly, about the foreign income of biden jr. from the ukrainian company burisman, allegedly, onco enrichment could use the influence of his father, who was then vice president, the story became known before the presidential election, but the democrats managed to hide it in the course of their revelations about twitter told him new owner. elon.
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musk posting documents about censorship in this social network. he reported that the fbi convinced everyone that hunter biden's laptop is russia's disinformation. although there is no evidence for this. and now, moreover, on the eve of the 2020 elections. twitter did not record any russian interference in the election, as the democrats said, another reason for criticism was the train accident with toxic chemicals, which led to an environmental disaster. its scale is not fully understood, but the whole city has already been resettled by 5,000. man walks massive soil pollution kills famous animals, focus channel host tucker carlson blamed joe biden's indifferences live. something agaya only 11 days after the disaster , officials recommended residents not to drink water from local reservoirs. individually
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, all these scandals did not seem to affect the reputation of the president, but together they create a negative image of the conservative publication breakbard. even began to call the biden family of affairs a weighty soprano clan , a lieutenant from this particular state joe biden has been for more than 30 years. the topic of compromising candidates is the norm of any campaign until the elections are still very far away. the hype today, if this, of course, not a blatant crime, he will hardly live until the fall of 24 years. but what will happen in the world up to this moment now no one can predict the european chinese ball and its train showed the degree of embarrassment reigning, also multiplied by the hysteria that is generally characteristic of modern information companies. no one can really understand whether this is serious and dangerous or , in fact, a dummy, both versions
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are plausible. so in almost everything like, for example, the story of the explosion of the northern streams, which was published by a veteran researcher. seymour hurge, how to understand an elderly paranoid or a conscious leak made to the topic, who wants to warn that the elites have played too much america where are you taking. doesn't give answers. president volodymyr zelensky assigned the tenth separate mountain assault brigade of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine the name edelweiss who forgot this was the name of the infamous first mountain infantry division of the wehrmacht that fought throughout europe, including ukraine, we often use the concept of rewriting history and rehabilitating nazism. but what's happening it would be more correct to call the neutralization of history or memory the task of making the former
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historical connotations. edelweiss simply disappeared, not a re-creation of a division of nazi germany with which it is known what is connected, but simply a beautiful sonorous name. why not use more? for example, nah-tiga. there is a question, what is more dangerous for the future conscious rehabilitation or unconsciousness before the meaning of the obvious. the bottom is rhetorical this was an international review . see you in a week. this is a revolution of large models that actually are already turning over all social relations right now before our eyes. this happens lung algorithm has been trained
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in the signs of viral pneumonia throughout the visual medical data at the beginning will be processed by artificial intelligence algorithms. so the twenty-fifth year. just gdp will be supplemented with a plus of 1% due to artificial intelligence. this is a technology that should be implemented in every industry knows no boundaries. that is, they do not say, i cannot now, they say how much i have all the time, i can state that the future has already arrived. if you bring the jews out of here, we will introduce you to the rank of alexander yatsenko now only soviet people could save other fish. not here, yevgeny tkachuk i'm lucky i'll definitely be with you until the end of my life fedor dobronravov, if possible
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, konstantinbezsky preservation of the road message from the president of the russian federation
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vladimir putin to the federal assembly live broadcast on february 21 at 12:00 moscow time, the cargo ship progress, which had a depressurization of everything they will not be reduced to orbit and sink in the pacific ocean. what happened and what will be done with the ship, which has already undocked from the iss, an air raid alert has been announced, there is a message about explosions in kramatorsk


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